
Type: Future Faculty Programs
Type Name Fields of Research Requirements Amount Due Date

Future Faculty Programs

University of Toledo

STEM Fields

Future Faculty Programs

University of Michigan NextProf Workshop

Science & Engineering

Future Faculty Programs

Washington University


Future Faculty Programs

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Chemistry Fall

Future Faculty Programs

Northeastern University

All tenure-track fields January

Future Faculty Programs

Washington University in St. Louis

All tenure-track fields

Future Faculty Programs

Rochester Institute of Technology

All tenure-track fields April

Future Faculty Programs

Virginia Tech

All research intensive programs September

Future Faculty Programs

North Carolina State University

All fields of research October

Future Faculty Programs

Rice University

All fields of research Fall
Type: Conference Travel Grants
Type Name Fields of Research Requirements Amount Due Date

Conference Travel Grants

APS Excellence in Graduate Research Award

Physics 500.00

Conference Travel Grants

 American Society for Cell Biology MAC 

Molecular and Cellular Biology 300.00

Conference Travel Grants

MRS Graduate Student Awards

Materials Research

Conference Travel Grants

ACS Grant for Women and URM


Conference Travel Grants

ACS WCC/Eli Lilly Travel Award


Conference Travel Grants

AIChE Womens Initiatives Committee

Chemical engineering 500.00

Conference Travel Grants

AIChE Janice Lumpkin Community Award

Chemical engineering 500.00

Conference Travel Grants

Biophysical Society MAC Travel Award

Biophysics 1000.00

Conference Travel Grants

SACNAS National Conference Travel Award

All STEM fields

Conference Travel Grants

Gordon Research Conference URM Award

All GRC Fields 600.00

Conference Travel Grants

SPIE Student Author Travel Grants

Optics and Photonics 500.00

Conference Travel Grants

MRS Student and Postdoc Travel Award

Materials Research 500.00
Type: Postdoctoral Fellowship
Type Name Fields of Research Requirements Amount Due Date

Postdoctoral Fellowship

Life Sciences Research Fellowship

Life science


60000.00 October
Type: Graduate Fellowship
Type Name Fields of Research Requirements Amount Due Date

Graduate Fellowship

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship


US Citizenship/Green Card

34000.00 October
Type: Transition-to-faculty fellowship
Type Name Fields of Research Requirements Amount Due Date

Transition-to-faculty fellowship

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Chemistry Fall
Type: Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
Type Name Fields of Research Requirements Amount Due Date

Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Biology

US Citizenship or Green Card

69000.00 October

Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

American competitiveness in chemistry

US Citizenship or Green Card

75000.00 April

Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

American Cancer Society Fellowship

US Citizenship or Green Card

40000.00 October

Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

Human frontier science program


Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

L'oreal postdoctoral women fellowship

US Citizenship or Green Card

60000.00 May/Dec

Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

Jane coffin childs memorial fund


Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

Damon Runyon cancer research

50000.00 March

Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

F32 NIH Fellowship

US Citizenship or Green Card

39264.00 Apr / Aug / Dec

Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

Helen Hay Whitney fellowships

48000.00 July

Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

Life Sciences Research Fellowship

60000.00 October

Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

Cancer research Institute Fellowship

50000.00 April
Type: Transition-to-faculty fellowships
Type Name Fields of Research Requirements Amount Due Date

Transition-to-faculty fellowships

Burroughs Wellcome Fund Career Award at the Scientific Interface

US Citizenship or Green Card (Canadian also)

500000.00 September

Transition-to-faculty fellowships

NARSAD Brain Research Young Investigator Grant

70000.00 February

Transition-to-faculty fellowships

American Heart Association Fellow-to-Faculty Transition Award

660000.00 January

Transition-to-faculty fellowships

American Heart Association Fellow-to-Faculty Transition Award

660000.00 January

Transition-to-faculty fellowships

JDRF Career Transition Award


Transition-to-faculty fellowships

K99 NIH Pathway to Independence

US Citizenship or Green Card

Transition-to-faculty fellowships

Simons Foundation Bridge to Independence Award

450000.00 August
Type: Graduate Research Fellowships
Type Name Fields of Research Requirements Amount Due Date

Graduate Research Fellowships

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

US Citizenship or Green Card

34000.00 October

Graduate Research Fellowships

Hertz Foundation Graduate Fellowship

US Citizenship or Green Card

38000.00 Fall

Graduate Research Fellowships

National Defense Science and Engineering Fellowship

US Citizenship or Green Card

31500.00 December

Graduate Research Fellowships

DOE Science Graduate Fellowship

US Citizenship or Green Card


Graduate Research Fellowships

Ford Foundation Graduate Fellowship and Dissertation Awards

US Citizenship or Green Card


Graduate Research Fellowships

NIH F31 National Research Service Fellowship

US Citizenship or Green Card

30500.00 Fall

Graduate Research Fellowships

Jenkins Pre-doctoral Fellowship Program

US Citizenship or Green Card

24500.00 Fall

Graduate Research Fellowships

Soros Fellowship for New Americans

US Citizenship or Green Card

45000.00 November

Graduate Research Fellowships

Schlumberger Foundation

50000.00 September

Graduate Research Fellowships

AAUW International Fellowships

18000.00 December
Type: Graduate Specialty Fellowships
Type Name Fields of Research Requirements Amount Due Date

Graduate Specialty Fellowships

NSF EAPSI Summer Fellowship Program

US Citizenship or Green Card

Graduate Specialty Fellowships

NSF EAPSI Summer Fellowship Program

US Citizenship or Green Card

Graduate Specialty Fellowships

Lindau Meeting of Nobel Laureates

US Citizenship or Green Card

Graduate Specialty Fellowships

American Association of University Women Dissertation Fellowships

US Citizenship or Green Card

Graduate Specialty Fellowships

HENAAC Scholarship for Great Minds in STEM

US Citizenship or Green Card